1. Merge Accounts
    1. Restrictions
    2. How to Merge Accounts
    3. FAQ
      1. What happens to my data when I merge accounts?

Merge Accounts

Merge Accounts

If you have two Expensify accounts (e.g., a personal account and a separate company account), you can combine them by merging. This process consolidates all receipts, expenses, reports, invoices, bills, imported cards, secondary logins, co-pilots, and group workspace settings into one account.

Merging accounts is permanent and cannot be undone. To merge a company and personal account, log in to your company account and merge your personal account with it.


  • You cannot merge a company account into a personal account.
  • You cannot merge two company accounts if they belong to private domains.
  • If your company has SAML enabled, you’ll be prompted to Switch to Classic for your domain admin to approve the request.

How to Merge Accounts

  1. Log in to Expensify using the account you want to keep as the primary.
  2. Click your profile icon in the bottom left corner to open Settings
  3. Click Security
  4. Click the row for Merge Accounts
  5. Enter the email address or phone number associated with the account you want to merge.
  6. Select the “Yes, I understand this is not reversible” checkbox.
  7. Click Merge Accounts.
  8. Check your email for the magic code sent from Expensify.
  9. Copy and paste the code into the field, then click Merge. Image shows Merge Accounts page


What happens to my data when I merge accounts?

All of the following will be transferred into your new account:

  • Receipts and expenses
  • Expense reports
  • Invoices and bills
  • Imported cards
  • Secondary logins
  • Co-pilots
  • Group workspace settings

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